The Region
Museums & Theaters
Museums, theatres, clubs and festivals – La Paudèze customers can enjoy an amazingly rich cultural life so close to Lausanne and its region.
Because Lausanne is so near, travellers staying at La Paudèze have the chance to enjoy an extremely rich range of culture that deserves comparison with the great European cities. In Lausanne alone, about 20 museums offer acclaimed exhibitions. Pully Art Museum, the Olympic Museum, the Lausanne-Vidy Roman Museum, mudac, the UNIL-CHUV Museum of the Hand, the Botanic Gardens, the Hermitage Foundation, the Elysée Museum, the Art Brut Collection, the Arlaud Space offer a wide range, with something for everyone.
The range of theatre, dance and music is also very rich, with a busier agenda than might be expected in a region like this. In Lausanne and its surroundings, the dramatic tradition goes back a long way. Overall, there are almost 20 theatres offering varied programmes ranging from classical to contemporary theatre and including theatre for children and opera. For dance lovers, Lausanne is the creative centre for Béjart Ballet productions regularly seen at the Beaulieu Theatre. In Lausanne, there is also the famous La Manufacture drama school, training a new batch of actors, stage directors and dancers every year. On the music side, the Conservatoire and the EJMA train the best musicians.

Music & Movies
IIn the spring and summer there are many festivals in the region: Cully Jazz in April; the Caribana, Morges sous Rire, Lavaux Classique and Festi’neuch in June; and the Cité Festival and the Montreux Jazz Festival in July; as well as the Paléo Festival, Sion sous les Étoiles, the Bâtie in September, Antigel, Electron and plenty of others.
In Lausanne and its surroundings, film is another tradition with a strong presence. There are classic, alternative and multiplex cinemas and also festivals all year round, not forgetting the prestigious Swiss film library, which schedules cinematic masterpieces every day.

Museum Lausanne :
Pathé Theater :
The Lausanne Opera House :